The question of whether the euro, as a single currency, dividing Europe and should be abolished really comes down to how to deal with the gap between strong economies such as France and Germany and weak economies such as Portugal, Italy, and Greece who doesn’t really deserve high values of Euro. Both the proposition and the opposition seem to acknowledge the fact that there is indeed some serious problem as we witnessed in the failure of Greek Economy. Therefore the proposition was kind enough to propose a number of alternatives and possible solutions. Firstly, the Euro Zone could defend the euro no matter what costs, secondly, Greek and voluntarily drop out of the Euro Zone or announce default, or thirdly, some leading economies of the Euro Zone, or at least a few nations that maintain a relatively stable economy simultaneously drop out of the Euro zone and create their own new currency, with other nations using Euro as they did. However, the proposition himself had to suggest some standards of each plans due to the severity and sensitivity of the issue. On the other hand the opposition believes bold measures of 17 independent government is good enough to overcome the crisis, and lack of central government is what exacerbates the situation.